Tuesday 12 July 2011

The current parish.

This parish is the mother church of the Diocese, and has been a part of the history of this city since its inception.  Burnt down in large fire in its original location (now the location of one of my favourite bars), it moved a few blocks to its present location, and rebuilt in its current form in the early 1930's.  It is a marvel of design, though it can be a bit cold, and is a little puritanical on the inside for my tastes, not nearly enough stain glass, or statuary.

It has remained a parish in the Catholic tradition, albeit in a more Affirming direction in the past seven years... but I will not get into that now.

Here we have the High Altar arrayed just prior to Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

And this the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, as arrayed as the Altar of Repose on Maundy Thursday.

The final picture is the banner of the Mother's Union, its a beautiful banner that I must do more research on, as it is a beautiful portrayal of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Perhaps more on this later...

I rather like it.

1 comment:

  1. Will you please submit any and all of your photos for PAX?? You can email them either to me, or to pax.photo.archive@gmail.com. Thanks in advance for your aesthetic contributions!!
