Saturday 11 February 2012

An Adventure in Yaletown

Going down to look at all the sparkly lights in Yaletown tonight.... maybe my lovely lady friend will take me for dinner haha!  

In other news, the seating of the Ordinary of the Ordinatiate of the Chair of S. Peter is tomorrow, hopefully with much lace, birettas and a sanctuary so smoky you cant see the three scared monsters!!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

An interesting development..

So I applied to an independent coffee shop that was hiring for a manager, on a complete whim I might add, and they unexpectedly got back to me for an interview tomorrow.. an interesting turn of events...

Sunday 29 January 2012

Posting from my phone...

Is it a new high or new low.. but enough of that.... anyone that reads this blog and has a good handle on dslr photography and lives in the Vancouver are and would love to help a bumbling amateur out with some basic pointers, that would be amazing!

Friday 27 January 2012

American Ordinariate... and a Canadian one?

So since I have posted last, the Holy Father has given the go ahead for the creation of an American Ordinariate for Episcopalians and other groups of Anglicans to be received, into the Church, in the parish communities that they currently belong to.  I think this a rather exciting development but of course is fraught with anxiety, fear, and a good dollop of anger.

While I myself am still clinging to one side of the Tiber for the time being, I will say that the reception of a few priestly friends of mine with their congregations in Calgary and Baltimore does provide some more food for thought.  There is also rumours that some of the congregation of S. John the Evangelist, an ACCC parish in Victoria, and their priest, will also or have also been received into the Church as well.

I give you a Youtube video of the Mass of Reception at Mount Calvary, Baltimore, celebrated by the Ordinary of the Ordinariate of the Chair of S. Peter, Fr. Jeffery Steenson, sometime Bishop of the Rio Grande... lovely fiddleback, pity about the mismatched albs though...



I think it's rather lovely

Back with a hobby

So after a good few months in absentia, I have decided to give this blogging thing another go... mostly because a couple of people told me to start posting again, so it appears that if you ask, you shall receive...

Not much is new with me, still muddling along through life.. though with a lot more vinyl than I used to!

My photography has slowed down a little, but i shall upload few more pics for your edification..

hope all is well,

Vincent of Lerins